Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday September 30 - Friday October 4

Senior English- 
Monday- The Good Earth Final Exam
Tuesday & Wednesday- We will finish the movie. Handed back Test Scores. ReTake Thursday Lunch.
Thursday- Finish Movie. SAT Vocabulary. Lunchtime- Retake a Good Earth Test
Friday- Intro Silas Marner

AP English- 
Monday- Hand back Death of a Salesman Essays, Collect Heart of Darkness Essays. Lecture- Writing About Literature
Tuesday- Allegory of the Cave
Wednesday- Allegory of the Cave, Apply 5 symbols to your life link to vault
Thursday- Intro Persuasion, read ch. 1-8 by Monday. Quiz Monday.
Friday- Review Multiple Choice Practice Exam #1. Literary Movements.

5th Period- 
Monday- Pre-reading discussion for Our Town by Thornton Wilder. (took notes)Vocabulary, Act 1- Due Wednesday
Tuesday- Pre-Reading Questions, Work on Vocabulary. Cast Act 1.
Wednesday- Review Vocabulary (quiz Monday). Grammar (quiz Monday).
Thursday- Read Act 1 (533-40). Study Questions.
Friday- Read Act 1 (540-548). Study Questions.

Field Trip to Jostens Plant- Wednesday October 16, noon-5pm
Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Monday- Reviewing Patriarchs
Tuesday- Joseph
Wednesday- Intro to Exodus
Thurs.- Exodus.
Friday- Memory Verse Quiz & Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Weekend, Sept. 27-29

Senior English- 
The Good Earth Final Exam- Monday September 30. Study!!!

AP English- 
Heart Of Darkness, Take Home Writing Prompt. Due Monday.

5th Period- 
Monday- Beginning a new unit, Our Town by Thornton Wilder.

Field Trip to Jostens Plant- Wednesday October 16, noon-5pm
Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Monday- Intro to Exodus
Friday- Memory Verse Quiz- Saying it out loud. Joseph Presentations.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday September 26

Senior English- 
Today- Nick from Grand Canyon University presented. If you are interested in visiting GCU, fill out the online admissions application and email Nick.

Read chapter 34. Complete Ch. 24 Study Guide. Points Given Friday.

Friday- Book Review Exercises

The Good Earth Final Exam- Monday September 30.

AP English- 
Heart Of Darkness, Discussion/Analysis

5th Period- 
Today- Propaganda/Persuasion/Argument Poster, School Issue. Due Friday.
Tomorrow- Present your posters. Vocabulary.

Field Trip to Jostens Plant- Wednesday October 16, noon-5pm
Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today-  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Presentations
Friday- Memory Verse Quiz- Saying it out loud. Joseph Presentations.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday September 25

Senior English- 
Read chapter 34. Complete Ch. 24 Study Guide. Due Thursday.

The Good Earth Final Exam- Monday September 30.

AP English- 
Heart Of Darkness, finish reading.
Heart of Darkness Reader's Notebook- due Thursday September 26.

5th Period- 
Today- WW2 Posters, presented.
Tomorrow- Propaganda/Persuasion/Argument, Vocabulary, Grammar

Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today-  Character Study Groups- Finalized script, message, & supplies. Practiced.
Thursday- Dramatic Presentations.
Friday- Memory Verse Quiz- Saying it out loud.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday September 19 Through the Weekend

Senior English- 
Read chapter 30. Quiz Friday
Vocabulary Week 5- Quiz Friday.
The Good Earth Final Exam- Next Friday September 27

AP English- 
Unfamiliar Author Presentations- Tuesday September 25
  • 1. BRIEF biographical info on the author (more about what they wrote and why they wrote that way than about where they were born...)
  • 2. 1 piece of their literature to share & analyze for the class. If it it short, share the whole thing. If it is a longer piece, choose an excerpt to share.
Key Terms Quiz Wednesday September 25.
Heart Of Darkness, finish reading by Thursday September 26 (updated).
Heart of Darkness Reader's Notebook- due Thursday September 26.

5th Period- 
Friday- Finish The Hiding Place Movie

Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today-  Character Study Groups- Identified Characters, Setting, & Plot for presentation.
Friday- Memory Verse Quiz, Genesis Events Quiz
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday September 18

Senior English- 
Read chapter 29. Quiz Thursday
Vocabulary- Due Thursday, quiz Friday.

AP English- 
Heart Of Darkness, finish reading by Thursday September 26 (updated).
Heart of Darkness Reader's Notebook- due Thursday September 26.
Thursday- 3 Literary Elements from The Fence (poem)
Key Terms Quiz Wednesday September 25.

5th Period- 
Today- Vocabulary Lesson 3- Workbook due & Quiz Wednesday 9/18

Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today-  Assigned Character Study Groups, brainstormed what we know about the character already.
Thursday- Read the passage & outline the story
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday September 17

Senior English- 
Read chapters 27-28. Quiz Wednesday
Vocabulary- Due Thursday, quiz Friday.

AP English- 
Heart Of Darkness, finish reading by Thursday September 26 (updated).
Heart of Darkness Reader's Notebook- due Thursday September 26.
Wednesday- Visual Representation of Conflict Due.
Key Terms Quiz Wednesday September 25.

5th Period- 
Vocabulary Lesson 3- Workbook due & Quiz Wednesday 9/18

Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today-  Tower of Babel (hope you took good notes, it will be on Friday's weekly quiz).

Wednesday- Choose who you will research (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Joseph) & why.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday September 16

Senior English- 
Read chapters 25-26. Quiz Tuesday

AP English- 
Heart Of Darkness, finish reading by Monday Sept. 23.
Heart of Darkness Reader's Notebook- due Monday Sept. 23.
Wednesday- Visual Representation of Conflict Due.

5th Period- 
Vocabulary Lesson 3- Workbook due & Quiz Wednesday 9/18

Sell ads!!
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today- Done with the Ark
Tuesday- Tower of Babel
Wednesday- Choose who you will research (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Joseph) & why.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday September 13

Senior English- 
Read through chapter 24 by Monday 9/16. Quiz Monday.

AP English- 
Read Introduction to Heart of Darkness.
Research Joseph Conrad (we will spend just a few minutes Monday talking about him)

5th Period- 
Congratulations on finishing your books & final tests!! No homework.

Sell ads!!
Hooray! We made MASSIVE progress on cover, theme, & font selection today.
Collin- working on graphic for cover
Grant- Cameras

Bible/Old Testament-
Today- Verse Quiz
Monday- Tower of Babel
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday September 11

Senior English- 
Read through Chapter 22 NO READING GUIDE.
Thursday, Vocabulary Quiz #4

AP English- 
Thursday, Practice Essay.
Friday, Discuss Death of a Salesman. Dramatic Reading for our grandparents. :-)

Sophomore English- 
We finished reading The Hiding Place!!
Review The Hiding Place for Final Test, Friday.

Sophomore Honors English- 
In class writing assignment on Thursday.
Final Test for Night, Friday

Link to information about ad sales: Ad Sales

Bible/Old Testament-
Today, the fall of mankind.
Thursday, the flood.
Friday, memory verse & Genesis quiz.

Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Monday-Tuesday Sept. 9-10

Senior English- 
Today, we caught up on class discussion through ch. 18.
Tonight, read through chapter 20. NO READING GUIDE.
Thursday, Vocabulary Quiz #4

AP English- 
Today, we started going over the first practice Literature Test.
Tomorrow, finish practice test scoring. Talk Test Prep. Intro word work.
Thursday, Practice Essay.
Friday, Discuss Death of a Salesman. Dramatic Reading for our grandparents. :-)

Sophomore English- 
We finished reading The Hiding Place!!
No homework tonight.
Wednesday, begin review activities for The Hiding Place. Book exam Monday Sept. 16.

Sophomore Honors English- 
Book review activities for Night
Wednesday, we will be reading a third account of the Holocaust to prepare for a writing assignment in class on Thursday.

Link to information about ad sales: Ad Sales

Bible/Old Testament-
Today, introduction to the Old Testament- taking notes, working in groups.
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Sept. 6

Senior English- 
WeekendRead through Ch. 16 & do Reading Guide 13-16 (due Monday).
Monday- Quiz- Ch. 13-16

AP English- 
For Monday- Read the rest of Act 2
Define 10 vocabulary words and give an explanation for how they apply to Death of a Salesman

Sophomore English- 
Hiding Place Reading-  Ch. 12-14 & Reading Guide (due Monday).
Monday- Quiz- Ch. 12-14

Sophomore Honors English- 
Weekend Read through Ch. 9 & Reading Guide Ch. 6-9 (due Monday).
Monday- Quiz- Ch. 6-9

Link to information about ad sales: Ad Sales

Bible/Old Testament-
Cut out bookmarks for divisions of OT & put into Bible
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday Sept. 5

Senior English- 
Friday- Vocabulary Quiz
The Good Earth~Thursday Night, ch.15. Weekend, ch. 15 & Reading Guide 13-16 (due Monday).

AP English- 
For Friday- Define 10 vocabulary words and give an explanation for how they apply to Death of a Salesman
Friday- Practice AP Literature Test

Sophomore English- 
Essay- Due Friday September 6 Hiding Place Essay 1
Hiding Place Reading-  Ch. 12-14 & Reading Guide (due Monday).

Sophomore Honors English- 
Night Reading- Thursday night ch. 8, Weekend ch. 9 & Reading Guide Ch. 6-9 (due Monday).

Link to information about ad sales: Ad Sales

Bible/Old Testament-
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List
Friday- Quiz, Memory Verse and Bible Basics

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday/Wednesday September 3-4
So sorry I forgot to update yesterday!

Senior English- Today- Naviance
Essay- Due Thursday September 5 (new date) Good Earth Essay 1
Friday- Vocabulary Quiz
The Good Earth~ Tuesday night, ch. 13, Wednesday night, ch.14, Thursday Night, ch.15. Weekend, ch. 15 & reading guide (due Monday).

AP English- Today- Naviance
Thursday- Practice Synthesis Essay Review

Sophomore English- Today- Naviance
Vocabulary Lesson 2- Due & quiz Thursday September 5
Essay- Due Friday September 6 Hiding Place Essay 1
Hiding Place Reading- Thursday in class, ch. 12, Thursday night, ch. 13, Weekend, ch. 14 & Reading guide (due Monday).

Sophomore Honors English- Today- Naviance
Essay- Due Wednesday September 4 Night Essay 1
Vocabulary Lesson 2- Due & quiz Thursday September 5
Night Reading- Tuesday Night, ch. 6, Wednesday night, ch.7, Thursday night ch. 8, Weekend ch. 9 & Reading Guide (due Monday).

Link to information about ad sales: Ad Sales

Bible/Old Testament-
Link to Memory Verse List: 2013-2014 Memory Verse List
Retakes of Creation & Why We Should Trust The Bible Quiz will be Thursday at lunch.