Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday August 13:

Senior English-
Today we wrote our statement of belief. Will bring these back out as needed throughout the year as we discuss what we read, how it impacts our beliefs and how our beliefs impact our understanding of the text. 
Tomorrow, I will be assessing student familiarity with Literary terms.
Next week- We will be starting The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. 

AP English-
Today we wrote our statement of belief. Will bring these back out as needed throughout the year as we discuss what we read, how it impacts our beliefs and how our beliefs impact our understanding of the text.
Tomorrow, we will be reviewing Poetry terms and we will begin working with the poetry assignments from the summer.

Sophomore English-
Today we wrote our statement of belief. Will bring these back out as needed throughout the year as we discuss what we read, how it impacts our beliefs and how our beliefs impact our understanding of the text.
Tomorrow, we will introduce the vocabulary program & discuss/write about War.
Next week we will begin reading The Hiding Place.

Sophomore Honors English-
Today we wrote our statement of belief. Will bring these back out as needed throughout the year as we discuss what we read, how it impacts our beliefs and how our beliefs impact our understanding of the text.
Tomorrow, we will introduce the vocabulary program & discuss/write about War.
Next week we will work with short stories from countries involved in WW2 in preparation for a unit combining The Hiding Place, All is Quiet on the Western Front, and the short stories.

Today we opened the 2014 box.
Each student was given a copy of last year's yearbook as their "textbook".
Tomorrow: bring magazines, theme ideas, & pages you are interested in working on.

Bible/Old Testament-
Today I handed out the course outline which shows the kind of things we will be doing and using in class.

We did our first journal entry, then shared our entries with each other and the class.

Journal Entry 1
Read the school theme verse to yourself. Write the verse at the top of your journal entry. In the convocation yesterday, Mrs. Siebert said , "Know what part (of the body of Christ) you are and play your part to the best of your ability." 
1. What is your part?
2. How does your contribution make a difference in this world? (At school, at home, at church, at work...)

3. What steps do you need to take to play your part to the best of your ability?

Tomorrow, I will hand out the memory verses for semester one. We will also start talking about basics of studying the bible.

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